The Hidden Gems Podcast (Classic Tales & Original Short Stories)

Intercultural Studies, written by Margaret McCarthy

Episode Summary

Four women from different backgrounds describe old-time home remedies, including how to dodge the Civil War draft, how to outsmart the bloodhounds, and how to kick a Morphine habit.

Episode Notes

Four women from different backgrounds describe old-time home remedies, including how to dodge the Civil War draft, how to outsmart the bloodhounds, and how to kick a Morphine habit. 

Margaret McCarthy is a retired Registered Nurse living in Scottsdale, Arizona. She earned a BA in school nursing and health education and an MBA. One of the goals of this paper is  to "appreciate and better understand the values of other peoples' backgrounds and lifestyles as compared with our own personal history. " She also strove to "find some logic for the folk practices as evidenced by current medical knowledge." 

John Bell is our  was our narrator and he is also the writer, producer, and actor on "Bell's in the Batfry" podcast, which can be found at:

We are always looking forward to discovering our next writer, so if you are interested in contributing, please send us your short story of fewer than 5,000 words to:

I am Cathy McCarthy, your host, and I write under the name of C. Mack Lewis and my books can be found at:

For more short stories on The Hidden Gems Podcast, please go to 

Thank you for listening!