The Hidden Gems Podcast (Classic Tales & Original Short Stories)

Lawanda and the Wolf, written by C. Mack Lewis

Episode Summary

Can Lawanda outwit the Big, Bad Wolf? Find out today on The Hidden Gems Podcast!

Episode Notes

Lawanda goes nose-to-snout with the Big, Bad Wolf - with unexpected results!  

Thank you for listening to The Hidden Gems Podcast, which is dedicated to bringing you the best short stories that you've never heard. For more short stories on The Hidden Gems Podcast, please go to: 

If you liked what you liked this story, you can find more of C. Mack Lewis's writing at

For a Free Audible book, Gunning For Angels (Book 1 of The Fallen Angels Detective Series, written by C. Mack Lewis) or a Free Kindle ebook, please email a request to me at  and make sure to specify what format you would prefer. 

John Bell is our  was our narrator and he is also the writer, producer, and actor on "Bell's in the Batfry" podcast, which can be found at

We are always looking forward to discovering our next writer, so if you are interested in contributing, please send us your short story of fewer than 5,000 words to

Thank you for listening!