The Hidden Gems Podcast (Classic Tales & Original Short Stories)

The Strange Story of the Pig Eye Poem, written by C. Mack Lewis and narrated by John Bell.

Episode Summary

Our heroine, Ilene, is doing just fine, thank you very much, slinging hash for the locals at the Silk City Diner - until, that is, she receives a rather unusual profession of true love from an even more unusual admirer.

Episode Notes

Our heroine, Ilene, is doing just fine, thank you very much, slinging hash for the locals at the Silk City Diner - until, that is, she receives a rather unusual profession of true love from an even more unusual admirer.  

Cathy McCarthy is your host today as John Bell narrates the short story Pig Eye Poem, which she wrote under the pseudonym C. Mack Lewis.

You can read more of Cathy's fiction at

You can find John Bell's podcast "Bells in the Batfry" on iTunes at:

*Submit your own short story of 5,000 words or less for a chance to be featured on the podcast at:
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