The Hidden Gems Podcast (Classic Tales & Original Short Stories)

The Phantom Rickshaw, written by Rudyard Kipling

Episode Summary

A tale of love, betrayal, and revenge! Listen now to Rudyard Kipling's classic short story.

Episode Notes

We've all had our hearts broken, just as we are all guilty of breaking someone else's heart. Think back and examine your own history. Agnes Keith-Wessington pursued Jack in her rickshaw, but who would be haunting you and in what type of vehicle would they be pursuing you?


For more information, check out this article by David Barber:

Who Was Kipling? A sampling of writing from The Atlantic's past offers a range of views on the many contradictions of Rudyard Kipling.


John Bell is our  was our wonderful narrator and he is also the writer, producer, and actor on "Bell's in the Batfry" podcast, which can be found at


I am Cathy McCarthy, your host, and I write under the name of C. Mack Lewis. You can find my books at


Thank you for listening!